We are actively recruiting in the health and hospitality sectors. We have positions for support workers, carers, registered general nurses and mental health nurses. Have a look at our jobs section to find you a suitable position.
To make your experience easy and fulfilling, we recommend you register an account. This way you can set up alerts for any incoming jobs that you may be interested in, track progress of your recent job applications and save your CV and information for easy job applications. Check our privacy policy and terms and conditions to see how we handle your information.
We aim to put candidates with employers that value their worth. Our mission is to make the workplace a happy place.
CS Recruitment team
How We Do it
- Promote employee referrals.
- Prioritize candidate experience.
- Have a great on-boarding process.
- Use modern tools.
- Practice collaborative hiring.
- Write better job descriptions.
- Value quality over quantity.
- Communicate a strong Employee Value Proposition.
- Think like a marketer.
- Ask better questions.
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